The weekend Globe and Mail does this thing where they present some well known personage with a photograph and then ask them to respond to it and give it a caption. This week it was former Mexican President Vicente Fox who was presented with this photo

"...The work - a long, sometimes foot-wide fissure that runs the entire length of the hall - was unveiled at a private view on Monday night, when someone fell into what is becoming known as "Doris's crack"...
"We saw the first poor victim, a young woman who went into it with both feet up to just below her knees. She had to be dragged out by her friends," said one onlooker.
"Unbelievably, as we watched to see whether she was OK, an older woman deliberately stepped on it (she later told us, amazingly, that she thought the crack was painted on the floor) lurched forward and landed on the ground. She had a sore wrist to show for it."
The Tate said: "I can confirm someone lost her footing on Monday evening. We've a lot of experience in handling complex installations. People are being told verbally about it and handed leaflets, there is plenty of signage and many invigilators. We have no plans to put up a barrier."