Monday, January 21, 2008

The Alphabet Project

I've been invited to take part in the Alphabet Project:
What is the Alphabet Project?

The Alphabet Project is a photography project that is taking place between March 2008 and March 2009. It involves 26 photographers from around the world. Each photographer has a first name that begins with an unique letter of the alphabet, (see right). Every two weeks the person whose letter of the alphabet it is sets a photographic task for both themselves and the other 25 photographers.

The task that the photographer sets can be an adjective, a noun, a specific instruction, a verb etc but it must start with the same letter as the first letter in their name.

By the end of the year there will be 676 photographs with 26 individual interpretations of 26 tasks.
It sounds like fun and should keep me on my toes - I'm hoping it will give me a bit of a creative work-out and keep me thinking and seeing new things instead of getting stuck in the tunnel vision of one or two projects.

I just hope I can keep up producing enough good pictures.

btw - not all the letters are taken yet...

(photo - Walker Evans)


whytriangles said...

Is O taken?

julian said...

I hope you are shooting dig for this!

tim atherton said...

Try dropping them a line Otto?

Julian - actually, i was thinking of using "the square" for this... we'll see :-)

tim atherton said...

P.S. - Julian - I would have suggested you to them when they came calling, but J was already taken...

julian said...

you are walking into sacred territory with the square Tim, at last, after all these years, a 'real' format! Thanks for the thought, but I've a nervous reaction to assignments! I take one on and then suddenly everything else becomes MUCH more interesting!