(Brigitte Lustenberger)
Mrs. Deane linked to this online French magazine Purpose. I hadn't seen it before, but after having a good look through, I can pretty much say that if there was a paper version I'd be getting my subscription in pronto.

(Isabelle Hayeur)
I'm not that keen on a lot of online "mags" (does anyone still call them ezines?) - they either aren't done very well, they don't last very long, or the poor design and editing is the reason they are on the internet and not on paper. But this one does it pretty well - there's quite a lot of Flash stuff - but it's not too obtrusive - though pages were a little slow to load for me. But I also like the idea of the custom soundtrack for each issue (at least you have something to listen too while it loads - and it's not the ubiquitous euro-techno that so many photogs seem to favour on their websites - thank god).

Anyway, I went back through a few of the past editions as well as the current one, and there's some pretty good stuff - a lot of it European and which isn't seen so much on this side of the Pond. Lots to mine.

Thanks for pointing Purpose out Tim. It's quite good and I'd never seen it before.
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