The above is a fairly typical map fort the spread of visitors to this blog (tried to find one that wasn't too cluttered)
My question is to those who visit here - where are you from?
It would be nice to hear from some of the silent visitors - who is out there from Tokyo or Sao Paulo or Montevideo or Tongeren or Zagreb or Komae or Shanghai or Indore or Santiago Kansas City. Either post a comment or email me at the link to the right.
And okay - I do know that some of those blips line up with a number of the usual suspects - you know who you are...
Oldest city in the USA: St. Augustine, FL.
Thanks for always being a worthwhile distraction from work!
it's me.
i'm from Kansas City, good ol' KC.
no more anonymity for me.
Centennial, Co..... Fantastic site to look and learn!
thank you for the information, a very useful site
o by the way
Samos, Greece
I'm hosting my blog on wordpressand I can't use google analytics - which I do on my site. The wordpress stats are good, but no geo overlay! Bee is pretty silent these days, but when you check google, you know the all-seeing eye is everywhere!
I always thought, it's a german character to be a silent visitor, to leave no comment on a blog which one often visits.
Maybe it's an mistake.
OK, I'm a german photojournalist from Stuttgart, capital of the federal state Baden-Württemberg.
Anglesey, Wales. This is my favorite photography blog bar none.
The Hague, Netherlands...
Vienna, Austria. Always enjoy reading your blog.
Bratislava, Slovakia.
Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, off the northern African coast.
This blog is a pleasure to read.
funny, this image looks like my visitor map, esp. with those two in Japan, two in Australia and one in Latin America. I bet it's the same crowd ;-)
oh, by the way, the same is mine = mrs.deane's.
I'm in Tampa, Florida. Tim's blog keeps me coming by on a daily basis.
--- Luis
Alan in Edinburgh, Scotland here!
Been meaning to leave a note for a while just to say 'thanks', Tim. It's a truly inspirational blog and one of the few sites I visit religiously every day! I can understand the effort involved and very much appreciate what you're doing.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Excellent work and excellent blog. I subscribe through Google Reader.
hi Tim, visiting from sunny (not today) Gothenburg, Sweden. Forgot how I came across your blog, anyway, I keep returning. Your passion for photography (yours and that of others!) comes well aross and I enjoy following the links. Thank you, and keep going as long as it's fun for you! Christoph
I'm in Tokyo and thanks for the entertaining content.
Greetings from Pecos, New Mexico. I found your blog about a month ago, and I've been reading it every day. Thank you!
Great site!
Boston, MA USA
Oslo, Norway. :-)
Hey Tim,
Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
woof woof
london, uk
Marburg, Germany.
Informative and thoroughly enjoyable blog!
from: Hasselt, Belgium (Tongeren is my ISP's server location)
Thanks for pointing us to these interesting photographers & interviews.
I like very much your blog, I'm from Montevideo, Uruguay
Scottsdale, Arizona
You made me discover so many great photographers! Thanks for all.
Philippe in Montpellier, France
Washington, DC, USA.
montevideo, uruguay. excellent blog!
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!
Pierre, from Paris.
I discovered your blog a fews days ago. Quite the best I saw...
by accident
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